Wow. Great concert. I have wanted to see Talib in concert for years and I finally got the chance to!
He came to Maryland UNiversity as a part of the Virgin Mega College tour. Tickets were a steal for 15 dollars and I was in the absolute front. It was great.
However, in order to bypass the shitty opening acts, William Tell and Sugar CUlt, my friends and I decided to grab some smores outside my dorm and get there an hour after the show started. Sadly we entered as Sugar Cult was performing. We moved down to the front of the stage and sat down and proceeded to join the people around us in booing Sugarcult and pleading with them to exit the stage. We suffered through about 30 minutes of pop-rock, and made it without any fatalities. On a lighterer note, there was this white couple who provided us with ample entertainment during the shitty opening act. It was a white girl and a white guy and the girl was off beat with every motion in her body, even her clapping! Her boyfriend stood directly moving offbeat as well. They were attempting to grind to pop-rock and they were never moving in unison. One was going to the right and the other to left, it looked so awkward. The guy's movement were so jagged and uninspired that people sitting behind him started to stand and mimic the way he "danced". It was soo funny. The couple was so awkward and off.
Anyways Talib came out and recked the set. He performed cuts from Ear Drum and Liberation, classics from Reflection Eternal and kicked a couple freestlyes for us. When he performed 'Get By' the house went crazy! I always wanted to see that song performed live and it was everything i expected it to be. Great show! Great night!
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